Stakers Union


Take the Pledge

Give back, support decentralization

It's a big ask

We know, but here it is: like the Protocol Guild, we’re asking for your support in committing a portion (any portion) of your protocol’s token or revenue to the Stakers Union.

Support Decentralization

By committing to the Stakers Union, you actively contribute to maintaining and enhancing the decentralization of the Ethereum network, which is crucial for its security and resilience.

Enhance Network Security

Decentralized validators reduce the risk of centralization attacks and single points of failure, thereby strengthening the overall security of the Ethereum blockchain broadly and by extension your Ethereum-based protocol.

Promote Credible Neutrality

Supporting solo-stakers helps ensure that no single entity has undue influence over the network, preserving Ethereum's principle of credible neutrality.

Encourage Diversity

Client diversity is just one part of the equation, the Stakers Union fosters a diverse validator ecosystem by supporting solo-stakers operating different clients on varied hardware across multiple jurisdictions, which is essential for a robust network.

Boost Innovation

Solo-stakers often experiment with new technologies and methodologies, contributing to the overall innovation within the Ethereum ecosystem. Your support can help accelerate these advancements.

Ethereum Alignment

Taking the pledge aligns you with a community of dedicated Ethereum supporters and validators, enhancing your reputation within the ecosystem as a contributor to its long-term health and success.

Access to Expertise

By partnering with the Stakers Union, you gain access to a pool of experienced solo-stakers who can provide valuable feedback on staking tools and technologies, helping you improve your products.

Long-term Vision

Supporting the Stakers Union demonstrates a commitment to the long-term sustainability and growth of the Ethereum network, which can positively impact the value and utility of Ethereum-based projects and tokens.

Get in touch

Thank you for your interest in taking the Stakers Union Pledge

Your public display name.

Your organization or project name.

Your preferred contact email.